The Full Story
I started this business in 2016 after Dave and I decided to pursue adoption. I had a couple containers of beads and a goal and haven't stopped since. Since 2016 I've improved in my beading skills and added leatherworking to my skill set. My inspirations are my family, Jesus' creation and the old west. I'm just a full time momma and jack of all trades.
My goal from the start has been to have a self sustaining business that glorifies God and raises money so we can continue to grow our family through adoption as many times as the Lord allows.
Our Purpose
I'm so thankful that God saw fit to rescue me from myself in 2014. I see it that not that I chose to follow Christ but that I finally relented to the control that He already had. I'm so thankful that He rescued me from the control that my sin had on me. He gave me hope and purpose and even on my darkest days all I have to do is follow the light He puts before me.
Romans 3:9-12 ; Admit that you're a sinner. We all are, and God doesn't view that any one sin is less than another.
Romans 6:23 ; Understand that as a sinner you deserve death and eternal separation from God.
Romans 5:8 ; Believe that Jesus died on the cross to save you from your sin and that penalty of death and separation from God.
Romans 10:9-10 and 13 ; Repent by walking away from your sin. You don't have to be that person and you can have peace and purpose in Christ Jesus.
Romans 5:1 Romans 8:1 & 38-39 ; Receive Gods free gift of forgiveness and salvation through faith in Christ Jesus' sacrifice and repenting of the sin that separated you from Him.
This is my life. My life revolves around God because He saved me from myself. Until I accepted salvation I was never at peace I always felt like I had to do something else or reach another goal, nothing satisfied me. But He did, and now even if I lost everything, I know that as much as it would hurt I could find peace in my savior because of His promises for me as His child that I find in His word. If you have any questions on any of this please don't hesitate to reach out. <3